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En-t�ête some collaborations.jpg
Hand embroidered vest drawing
Hand embroidered vest drawing
Ligne dorée.png
Ligne dorée.png
Ligne dorée.png
Ligne dorée.png
Quelques images doré copie.png
Cadre doré rectangle.png

         Throughout my path, I met a lot of inspiring people who     kindly put their trust in me. I had the chance to work on many master pieces. In the « Lesage » workshop, I embroidered Chanel and Guerlain pieces. Then, I embroidered several creations for Pascal Jaouen collections. All these experiences gave me enough mastery and confidence to work on all types of projects today, may they be for Haute-couture, more independent brands or else for private individuals. Some of the projects I've worked on, such as Haute-couture ones, can't be shown here for intellectual property reasons.

Projets enrichissants copie.png
Hand embroidered vest
Home or broderie
Eshop broderie
Point broderie
Actualités copie.png
Collaborations broderie
Parcours copie.png
Broderie d'art courbé copie.png
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Lieu et adresse

Merci de vous être abonné !

The images, patterns, photographies or ideas displayed on this website are protected by intellectual property. You can't re-use them in a sales context.
For any use of these images or ideas in a non-commercial context, please mention the Credit : Léa Coutureau

The images, patterns, photographies or ideas displayed on this website are protected by intellectual property. You can't re-use them in a sales context.
For any use of these images or ideas in a non-commercial context, please mention the Credit : Léa Coutureau


2021 Léa Coutureau

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